Top 5 Time Management Tips for Online Business Owners 

I want to share some essential time management tips specifically tailored for busy online entrepreneurs like yourself. If you’re struggling to manage your time effectively and get things done, these game-changing tips are for you.  Prioritise Your Tasks This...

Building a Strong Online Presence: Strategies and Insights

Today we’ll uncover the secrets behind building a strong online presence and share strategies to boost your success online. Why Build a Strong Online Presence?  In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses. With so much...

Using a Virtual Assistant for Research 

Hi there!  My name’s Paula and I’m from Beyond the Maze.  In this episode we’re going to be talking about how to use a Virtual Assistant to do your research.  I’ve had a few clients come through recently trying to generate and create a big list...

How a VA can Help with Customer Service

Hi there! Welcome to our next episode on using a VA.  My name is Paula Burgess and I have an agency called Beyond the Maze, based here in Australia. Today’s topic is about how to use a VA in your Allied Health Business. Firstly, Allied Health, I’m talking...

Do you know where your time is spent?  

Time. Everyone has the same amount of it, but some people seems to manage to get more from it than others. Have you ever timed how long it takes for you to do a task? Not just estimated, really timed it. You can do this by just using a timer on your phone or if you...