Social Media Services

Perfect for start up business or those that need a social media presence with a low cost monthly fee. 

Admin support & virtual reception services Beyond the Maze QLD Australia

Social Media

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Hi there, my name is Paula and I’m the owner and founder of Beyond the Maze, a virtual assistant business based on the north side of Brisbane. 

You’ve come to our page probably looking for some social media help. 

Well, social media is such a vortex of time, right? 

You can really fall down a rabbit hole of where social media can take you and how much time you need to spend on social media. 

And this is why I have created this package, which is going to really help you have a social media presence and just be known to, to have that no like and trust factor of your business. 

Here at Beyond The Maze, although we are Australian owned, we do have offshore team members as well. 

We have team here in Australia and we have team offshore and the offshore team are the team who will be looking after this particular online social media presence package. 

Now, in this package, what you will get is you will get five posts to social media a week. 

That’s almost one a day posted across all of your platforms. 

You will also get one reel and two stories with that as well. 

We will share those posts across business groups or any particular groups that you need to be in. 

We’ll regularly share those groups, those posts we’ll also post. 

If you have your own groups as well, we’ll post in there also. 

Now we’ll also provide you with engagement. 

We’ll jump in there a couple of times a week and we’ll answer any comments or anything like that, that’s been noted within those pages and channels and things like that. 

And we’ll also just share your group to grow your group amongst other groups as well. 

So there’s a lot in there to give you that and that’s every week that you’re getting those postings for you. 

It’s really going to give you that social media package that, that, that so that social media presence for you. 

Now, this is mainly done for you on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. 

And if you want any others, we can chat about the others, but we find that they’re the three main ones depending on, you know, what business you have and of course, what target market you have to start with. 

We set up an appointment with us and we chat about what you’re hoping to get out of it, who your target market is, your branding and all that sort of thing. 

So we make sure we follow all of that for the social media as well. 

If you would like to have a chat with us further about what the social media presence package is all about and how you can get on this. 

Then please click on the link link below and book in a call with us. 

The package itself is only $297 plus GST per month. 

It’s quite reasonably priced and it’s enough to give you that social presence across various channels so you can get that. 

No, like and trust factor in your business. 

I hope to chat with you soon. 

Bye for now. 

Paula from Beyond the Maze. 

What do you need help with?


Do you need a social media presence but just don’t have the time to do it yourself.    

Our social media start up package will help you to get that presence.    

With our basic start-up package you get:

– 5 posts per week across all social media sites such as Facebook, IG, LinkedIn
– 1 reel per week
– 2 stories per week
– Engagement for any comments on your social pages
– Sharing of your posts across suitable groups

For a low price of $397 plus GST per month!

We have many additional add-on packages that can be included such as:

– Strategy sessions
– Image Design
– Group management

– and much more – book a call with us to find out how we can help you get known.  


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