Favorite Resources

Hi there, my name is Paula, and I am from Beyond the Maze.  We are a Virtual Assistant and Online Business Management service based in Australia with both Australian and offshore team members.  Today, I’m here to talk to you about our favourite resources that we...

Do you need to source speaking opportunities? 

Hi there!  My name’s Paula Burgess and I’m from Beyond the Maze.  We are a Virtual Assistant business based in Australia with both offshore and onshore teams.  Today our topic is about sourcing speaking opportunities.  Whether you’re a speaker or...

Why I Became a VA

I thought I would make my blog a little light hearted and hopefully a little inspirational for some. I would like to share with you my story and how I came to being a Virtual Assistant. 14 years ago, I was happily employed as a full-time Paraplanner in the Financial...