Privacy and Security

Hi everyone and welcome to my YouTube channel, my name is Paula, and I’m from Beyond the Maze.  We are a virtual assistant and online business management service based in Brisbane, Australia with both an onshore and an offshore team members.  Today, I’m...

When to Know if You Need a Virtual Assistant

  Hi everyone. I’m Paula from Beyond the Maze. Today I’m going to be talking to you about how to know when you need a VA. Many business owners get to a point where you’re not really sure whether you need help or not. So I wanted to chat with you...

How to be More Efficient?

Hi there!   My name is Paula Burgess from Beyond the Maze, and today’s episode is about how to be more efficient at work.  Some days we can plan to do all these things that are on our to do list, but things happen where they just go out of control, and they...

4 Most Common Tasks for a VA (A Day in the Life of a VA)

Recently somebody asked me, “What’s it like, in a day of the life of a VA?”, and I thought this would be a great topic, because some people just don’t know what a VA actually does. Obviously, I can only speak from the experience that happens here in the...

Do you know where your time is spent?  

Time. Everyone has the same amount of it, but some people seems to manage to get more from it than others. Have you ever timed how long it takes for you to do a task? Not just estimated, really timed it. You can do this by just using a timer on your phone or if you...

5 Tips to Effectively Juggle Family and Business

Do you have a family and you are trying to run a business as well? Well, I know as much as you do about how hard that struggle can be sometimes. Some of us may have gone into business to allow flexibility around our family but then found that your business can be even...