Today, I want to discuss the pros and cons of hiring a virtual assistant (VA) versus an in-house employee. This is a common question we get, so let’s dive right in. 

Flexibility and Cost Effectiveness 

One of the biggest advantages of hiring a virtual assistant is the flexibility it offers. With a VA, you have the freedom to work with professionals from anywhere in the world. This means you can find someone with the specific skills you need without being limited to your local talent pool. Additionally, you don’t have to worry about training them extensively for tasks they are already skilled in.  

For instance, if your business operates in the allied health industry, you can find VAs who are already experienced in this field, saving you time and resources on training. Moreover, a VA can provide services such as phone support during business hours, which might not be viable if you only need someone occasionally but not full-time. 

Increased Productivity 

Hiring a VA can significantly boost your productivity by allowing you to delegate time-consuming administrative tasks. Tasks like email management, scheduling, and data entry can be handled by a VA, freeing up your time to focus on what you do best. While in-house employees can also handle these tasks, you might want them to focus on higher-end responsibilities that require their presence in the office. 

Reduced Overhead Costs 

Maintaining an in-house employee can be expensive due to salaries, benefits, office space, equipment, and compliance with HR regulations. In contrast, VAs are typically contracted, which means you don’t have to worry about providing office space, equipment, or benefits. If a VA isn’t working out, you can simply end the contract as per the agreed terms, without the complexities of firing an employee. 

Access to Specialised Skills 

VAs often specialise in specific areas such as social media, marketing, customer service, or administrative support. This specialized skill set can be highly beneficial if you need expertise in certain tasks but don’t have the need or resources to hire a full-time employee with those skills. 

Improved Work-Life Balance 

Running a business is demanding, and finding time for yourself can be challenging. Having a VA who works remotely can provide you with more flexibility. You won’t feel the need to be in the office all the time, which can help you achieve a better work-life balance.  

Personal Choice 

Ultimately, the decision between hiring a VA and an in-house employee comes down to personal preference and business needs. I have both contractors and in-house team members, and I treat my contractors like employees, even though they work remotely. This hybrid model works well for my business, but each business is unique. 

If you’re considering hiring a VA, think about the specific needs of your business and what would work best for you. A VA can offer flexibility, specialised skills, and cost savings, but in-house employees might be better suited for tasks that require their physical presence or a deeper integration into your company culture. 

If you’d like to learn more about how a VA can help your business, click the link below to book a time in our calendar. Let’s chat about how this can benefit you. 

Book an obligation-free consultation

Paula Burgess - Keynote Speaker QLD Australia


Paula Burgess is the founder and director of Beyond the Maze, a virtual assistant, coach, author, keynote speaker, mum of a special needs child and a Brisbane based girl who loves fast cars!

She also provides courses and membership to support other business owners working around children with special needs.